From Left To Right: 1) Biore Pore Unclogging Scrub, 2) Boscia Konjac Cleansing Sponge With Bamboo Charcoal, and 3) Bliss That's Incredi-peel Spa-Strength Glycolic Resurfacing Pads
‘The only way to make space for the new is by tossing out the old!’
We’ve heard our mums say to this to us at least a million times – especially when they are in their spring cleaning mode! However, we recently realised that this adage also works when it comes to skincare. Yes, you should be get rid of your expired makeup but more than that, this saying is the key to great skin. What are we harping on about? Exfoliation! By sloughing off your dry, dead skin, you now make way for newer, softer and better skin. Although this step is essential for every type of skin, not all exfoliators are right for you. Read on to find the best products for your skin type.
Type: Oily
Clogged pores and breakouts often accompany this type of skin. For a thorough cleansing, use a gentle scrub with micro-beads as larger ones could irritate your face. We recommend formulas with charcoal in them as they will help draw out impurities and absorb excess oil.
Type: Dry
If your face flakes at the sight of winter, then there’s nothing more important than exfoliating. A konjac cleansing sponge will buff away the dry spots and smoothen your skin. Just soften the sponge with warm water before using, and watch your skin transform.
Type: Combination
Since your skin falls into both the above categories, it definitely needs something special! Chemical exfoliators such as glycolic acid and lactic acid dissolve dead skin and prevent pores from getting blocked, without drying your skin out.
Follow this useful guide to make way for your best skin ever. After all, cleansing your skin is so much more satisfactory than cleaning up your room!