1) Essie Nail Polish In 'Lacquered Up', 2) NYX Matte Lipstick In Indie Flick, and 3) Benefit They're Real! Mascara
Handwritten letters, comfortable sweatpants, our favourite red lipstick – these are things we can’t bear to part with it! Unfortunately, makeup is one thing you should never hoard because each product has a specific expiry date. From breakouts to pink-eyes, using a product past its expiry date has serious consequences! Follow the guide below to learn when it’s time to toss out your products.
1. Mascara
Every 3 months we gather up our courage and throw out our beloved mascara. Although it breaks our heart, mascara is one of the most easily infected makeup products. If you’ve forgotten when you purchased it, then look for signs of clumping to know when it has turned bad.
2. Lipstick
Your lipstick may give you Beyoncé-like confidence, but it isn’t doing you any favours after 2 years. If you do notice that your lippie has become dry, just march it straight to the bin!
3. Eyeliners
Eye infections are the worst. Keep the bacteria at bay by discarding your liner every year. Whether it’s a pencil, gel or liquid, don’t be tempted in to using it for a longer time.
4. Liquid Foundations
Liquid foundations can be applied for up to 2 years, unless the layers have separated. Remember to store it in a cool, dry place to prevent it from breaking down.
5. Blushes & Eyeshadows
Generally speaking, opt for powder formulas if you intend to use your product for a long time. Set a time limit of 2 years to avoid dry and flaking formulas.
6. Nail Polish
Goopy, thick nail paints are a nightmare. Keep your nails fresh and bright by tossing out your old nail polishes every 2 years. On the plus side, you now have more space to buy new shades!
You may toss out these products with a heavy heart, but we promise you that your skin will thank you forever!